Marc S. Alpert of Marc S. Alpert Attorney at Law, PC
Deborah A. Anderson of Murphy Hesse Toomey & Lehane
Eric D. Applebaum of Fein Pearson & Edmond, PC
Wendy A. Berliner of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, LLP
Kimberley P. Blanc of Harnish Jenney Mitchell & Resh
Aimee Bonacorsi of Graham & Harsip
Jeffrey S. Brown of MacNicol, Tombs & Brown
Karl R. Buschhaus
Rosemary Ann Buschhaus
Andrew H. Butler of Rackemann Sawyer & Brewster
David Paul Cassella of Law Office of David Cassella
Agnes Colon of District Court-Dorchester Division
Melissa S. Conover of State Street Bank & Trust Company
Renee V. Coopwe of Apostolica Golden Donovan & Donovan
Julie E. Cox of Retailers Association of Massachusetts
Don S. Deamicis of Ropes & Gray
Gail H. Denning
Christopher DiBella
John M. DiSanto of Law Office of Aleixo & Murray, PC
Marc Anthony Douthit of Douthit & Murray, P.A.
Virginia A. Dyer
Ann C. Eiselein of King & Navins, PC
Stacey L. Forget of Shannon & Peters