The Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Law, M.G.L. c. 71, s. 37O, went
into effect on May 3, 2010. This article will examine the language
of the statute and its practical application through the
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team process. Additionally,
the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has advised that instances of
bullying may implicate civil rights laws, which will require school
districts to respond in a more global way, investigating whether a
hostile environment exists in the school.
This article will also consider steps that school districts can
and should take to avoid potential liability within the context of
bullying as it relates to students with disabilities.
Finally, some observations from the field will be shared.
Specifically, how special education teams should handle situations
when both the victim and the aggressor are students with
disabilities, and how to address the situation when a bullying
investigation does not substantiate allegations of bullying, but
the victim's perception of being bullied impacts his ability to
access his education and make effective progress.
On this last point, a description of a real scenario that an IEP
Team recently encountered: At a team meeting for a ninth-grade
student with social disabilities who had alleged bullying by a
disabled peer, the following question was posed by the parent: Why
not simply remove the alleged bully from the inclusion classes that
her daughter attended so that the two students would not be
together during the day? Sounds simple enough, but here's the rub:
the alleged bully was a student with Asperger's Syndrome also on an
The school's investigation found that the bully made harassing
statements to the victim as a result of provocation by the victim
who, by reason of her disability, often made impulsive remarks to
students that were perceived as socially inappropriate. To further
complicate matters, the school was unable to substantiate the
extent of bullying described by the victim, and it was suggested
that the victim perceived greater bullying than was actually
Thus, at least two questions were raised: 1) how to address the
situation where both students are on IEPs; and 2) how to address
the conclusion that the victim's reaction to the alleged bullying
appeared disproportionate to the actual acts of bullying. Add to
this that the team needed to be careful to maintain both students'
confidentiality, what ensued was a stinted and, from the parents'
perspective, a rather unsatisfactory discussion about how her
daughter's needs and safety could be met by the school.
The team's eventual response follows, but first a review of the
law: Section 7 and 8 of Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010 (An Act
Relative to Bullying in Schools), amending M.G.L. c. 71B, s. 3,
reads as follows:
Section 7: Whenever the evaluation of the
Individualized Education Program team indicates that the child has
a disability that affects social skills development or that the
child is vulnerable to bullying, harassment or teasing because of
the child's disability, the Individualized Education Program shall
address the skills and proficiencies needed to avoid and respond to
bullying, harassment or teasing.
Section 8: Whenever an evaluation indicates that a child has a
disability on the autism spectrum, which includes autistic
disorder, Asperger's disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not
otherwise specified, childhood disintegrative disorder, or Rhett's
Syndrome, as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, the
Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, as defined by
regulations of the department, shall consider and shall
specifically address the following: the verbal and nonverbal
communication needs of the child; the need to develop social
interaction skills and proficiencies; the skills and proficiencies
needed to avoid and respond to bullying, harassment or
The first step in ensuring compliance with these provisions is
meaningful evaluation. Without data, a team cannot address a
student's vulnerability to bullying effectively. Massachusetts
special education regulations require an initial evaluation to
include an "an assessment of the student's attention skills,
participation behaviors, communication skills, memory, and social
relations with groups, peers, and adults."1 The
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations
include a similar provision."2
The anti-bullying law mandates that IEP teams address bullying for
all students identified on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) runs on a continuum and is generally defined as "a
group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant
social, communication and behavioral challenges."3
Research shows that students on the Autism Spectrum are three times
more likely to be bullied than their nondisabled
Students with ASD tend to be both excluded by peers and to exclude
themselves from social interactions, creating further
isolation.5 Furthermore, their behavior is often viewed
as "odd" by their peers, making them easy targets for
bullies.6 They may be less likely to report incidents of
bullying to school staff because their social cognition problems
can lead them to assume that others are already aware of what has
happened or because they simply do not understand that they are
actually being bullied (particularly with more subtle forms of
While the anti-bullying law carves out a mandate to address
bullying with students with ASD, it also requires IEP teams to
consider the issue of bullying for students whose disabilities make
them vulnerable to bullying. Research has shown that students
diagnosed with learning disabilities (LD) and/or
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to
either be the aggressor or the victim of bullying than typically
developing peers. "Characteristics of LD that include difficulties
with language, attention, information processing, and problems with
interpreting social information may be interfering with the
development of well-adjusted social relationships with
Therefore, rather than focusing on the diagnosis itself, IEP teams
should consider the individual student and identify whether the
student displays deficits or weaknesses that make him or her
vulnerable to either being a victim or aggressor of bullying. If
the team, upon review of evaluation reports, teacher and parent
reports and other available information, makes the determination
that the student is vulnerable to bullying, the next question is
how to address that through the IEP.9
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
(DESE) has provided guidance to IEP teams about accommodations and
services which can be added to a student's IEP to address these
vulnerabilities. Examples include: providing additional supports
during those unstructured times of day, such as lunch and recess,
when incidents of bullying are more likely to occur; designating a
"safe" contact person within the school that the student can go to
immediately when he or she feels that bullying has occurred;
providing counseling; participation in a social skills group; and
providing a functional behavioral assessment and behavior
intervention plan.10
IEP teams should take a "think-outside-the-box" approach to
addressing bullying through the IEP and should tailor the
accommodations and services so that they are appropriate to the age
and circumstances of the particular student. This can be especially
important if the student's disabilities make it difficult for him
or her to identify bullying in the first place.
It is important for IEP teams and schools as a whole to remember,
however, that adding accommodations and services to a student's IEP
may not be enough to adequately address the issue of bullying. In a
letter dated Oct. 26, 2010, OCR reminded school districts that
adhering to a state's anti-bullying law may not sufficiently
address anti-harassment and anti-discrimination civil rights
statutes. OCR's Letter to Colleagues cautions that "some
student misconduct that falls under a school's or district's
anti-bullying policy also may trigger responsibilities under one or
more of the federal antidiscrimination laws."11
For example, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(Section 504) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 (Title II) prohibit discrimination based on disability.
Therefore, if a student with a disability is the victim of
bullying, the school district not only needs to address the safety
of that student, but needs to investigate whether the problem is
more widespread and creating a hostile environment in the school
for students with disabilities. This may be uncovered during the
course of the investigation into the allegation of bullying for the
particular student in question.
If discovered, "a school must take prompt and effective steps
reasonably calculated to end the harassment, eliminate any hostile
environment and its effects, and prevent the harassment from
recurring. These duties are a school's responsibility even if the
misconduct also is covered by an anti-bullying policy, and
regardless of whether a student has complained, asked the school to
take action, or identified the harassment as a form of
To ensure compliance with civil rights laws in the context of
bullying, school districts should adopt a practice of investigating
the conduct in question, not just for the purpose of determining
whether bullying has occurred, but also to examine whether a
hostile environment is created within the school community. OCR has
said that interventions should include, depending upon the nature
of the incident, staff training and measures to ensure that further
acts do not occur.
One practical way of putting staff and administration, as well as
students and parents, on notice of the dual requirements to address
bullying and possible related discrimination is to cross reference
the school's anti-bullying policy with its anti-discrimination
policy in its staff and student handbooks.
School districts may be liable for bullying under civil rights
laws. The legal analysis is whether the bullying is sufficiently
serious and pervasive to cause a hostile environment, whether the
school has actual or constructive notice of the bullying, and
whether the school failed to respond appropriately. Courts have
looked to whether the school district demonstrated "deliberate
indifference" or "bad faith or gross misjudgment."13
Schools will generally not be held liable for the actions of a
bullying student, but rather, will be judged based on its response
to the bullying.
The Massachusetts anti-bullying law does not create a separate
cause of action. While litigation on this issue is in its infancy,
there is at least one Superior Court case that dismissed students'
claims of negligence and infliction of emotional distress in the
context of bullying on the basis of the Massachusetts Tort Claim
Act (MTCA).14
The court noted that "The MTCA provides a waiver of sovereign
immunity in limited circumstances. Section 10(j), however, retains
sovereign immunity for 'any claim based on an act or failure to act
to prevent or diminish the harmful consequences of a condition or
situation, including the violent or tortious conduct of a third
person, which is not originally caused by the public employer
The purpose of § 10(j) is to immunize public employees from harm
caused by a third person that the public employee failed to
prevent."15 In dismissing the students' complaint, the
court held that "[t]his is precisely the type of failure to prevent
harm by a third person for which § 10(j) provides governmental
immunity. Accordingly, the MTCA bars the Parsons' claims for
negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress and loss of
Where clearly a school district is responsible to react quickly
and effectively to allegations of bullying, efforts to prevent
bullying in the first place should be the ultimate goal. For
students with disabilities who are vulnerable to bullying, the
focus is on the IEP team and the ability to gather necessary data
to make thoughtful decisions about how to provide students with
necessary services to address their vulnerabilities.
By addressing the bullying incident in question, as well as the
larger issue of whether the bullying is creating a hostile
environment for students who are members of a protected class,
school districts will be on their way to protecting themselves from
potential liability and, most importantly, helping to create an
atmosphere of tolerance where bullying does not occur in the first
So, with all of this in mind, how did the team respond to the
scenario described above:
In the end, this team set up a plan, having first completed a
functional behavioral assessment of the student/victim, that
involved: daily check-ins with the student; a designated point
person that the student/victim could go to at any time of the
school day when he felt unsafe and/or needed to check-in with an
adult; a change in lunch schedule so that the two students would
not be together during this unstructured time of the day; and
consent from the parent for the school district to communicate with
the student's private therapist.
While the parents' request to separate the students in their
academic classes was denied because the placement of those students
had been made by their respective IEP teams, steps were taken to
address the allegations of bullying. While far from perfect, the
team devised a plan, to be carefully monitored, that both the
school district and the family could agree to.
To summarize, the anti-bullying law mandates addressing
vulnerability to bullying for students with disabilities. The
importance of following school policy and using the team meeting as
a forum to think critically about how to address the issue is
paramount. Issues of confidentiality and maintaining parent trust
through the process are challenges that teams will face. In the
end, a district will be judged by its response to allegations of
bullying and the efforts that it undertakes to create a safe
educational environment for all of its students.
1603 MASS. CODE. REGS.28.04(2)(a)(2)(b) (2011).
234 C.F.R. § 300.304(c)(4) (2010).
3Autism Spectrum Disorder, CTRS. FOR DISEASE
visited Feb. 10, 2012).
4Neil Humphrey & Wendy Symes, Perceptions of
Social Support and Experience of Bullying among Pupils with
Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Mainstream Secondary Schools,
25 EUR. J. OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUC. 77, (2010).
5Jennifer Wainscott et al. Relationships With Peers and
use of the School Environment and Mainstream Secondary School
Pupils with Asperger's Syndrome (High Functioning Autism): A Case
Control Study. 8 INT'L J. OF PSYCHL. AND PSYCHL, THERAPY, 25, 26
6Humphrey, N. Including Pupils with Autistic Spectrum
Disorders in Mainstream Schools. Support for Learning.
Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 41-47. (February 2008).
7Moore, C. (2007). Speaking as a Parent: Thoughts about
educational inclusion for autistic children. In R. Cigman (ed.),
Included or excluded? The Challenge of Mainstream for Some SEN
Children, pp 34-41. London: Rutledge.
8Danielle M. Saia et al., Bullying Experiences,
Anxiety About Bullying, and Special Education Placement. J. OF
9The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education has stated that "[s]chool districts are not
required to reconvene IEP Team meetings for currently eligible
students solely to discuss the law's new requirements for bullying
prevention or intervention. However, each time the IEP Team
convenes, the Team should consider whether the student has been
involved in any bullying incident, and use that information to
inform its discussion of the student's needs." Advisory from Marcia
Mittnacht, State Director of Special Education, to Superintendents,
Regarding Bullying Prevention and Intervention. (Feb. 11,
11Letter from Russlynn Ali, Assistant Sec'y for Civil
Rights, to Colleague 1 (Oct. 26, 2010).
12Id. at 2-3.
13Davis v. Monroe Cnty Bd. of Educ., 526 U.S. 629,633
(1999); M.P. v. Indep. Sch. Dist. No. 721, 326 F.3d 975, 982 (8th
Cir. 2003).
14Parsons v. Town of Tewksbury, No. 091595, 2010 WL
1544470, (Mass. Super. Ct., Jan. 19, 2010).
15Id. at *3 (internal citations
16Id. at *4.
Alisia St. Florian is a special education attorney at
Murphy, Hesse, Toomey & Lehane LLP in Quincy, representing
public school districts and charter, collaborative and private
special education schools in all matters. She has served as a
guardian ad litem/educational advocate for the juvenile courts and
an educational surrogate parent for the Department of