
Juvenile & Child Welfare Symposium to focus on positive youth development, racial justice

Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021
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The Massachusetts Bar Association will hold its Juvenile & Child Welfare Symposium on Monday, Jan. 25, from 2 to 5 p.m. The virtual symposium will focus on "Better Legal Outcomes, Better Life Outcomes: Positive Youth Development and Racial Justice in Practice During COVID-19."

While traditional legal service models have focused primarily on motion practice and courtroom advocacy, for clients, their involvement in the court system is about so much more than a case. Research and practice have confirmed that when legal practitioners and service providers focus on better holistic life outcomes, better legal outcomes result. This is even more true during the pandemic. For that reason, a youthful (and young-adult) client’s development and improved life experience should be a central focus in every case, from care and protection cases to youthful offender cases.

Seeking racial justice is an important piece in this endeavor. From biological parents and custodial agencies to lawyers and judges, there is a role in positive youth development for everyone to play. We will explore what positive youth development (PYD) means in practice and how to harness the power of PYD to fuel our clients’ success.


Join us as we give you a solid foundation in the theory and practice of PYD and strategize how we can best apply it to our most challenging client circumstances.

Also, please join us as we present the second annual MBA Juvenile & Child Welfare Award to Anne Bader-Martin, Esq., from One Can Help, in recognition of her tireless work on behalf of the juvenile and child welfare community.

This symposium is approved for 3 CAFL/YAD credits.

MBA members can attend this symposium for FREE. A special rate of $25 is available for practitioners on the CAFL, YAD and Mental Health Litigation Division panels. To register, call MBA Member Services at (617) 338-0530.

This symposium will be hosted using Zoom. Registration is required by 9 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 21, to participate in this program. After you register with the MBA, please look for an email from MassBar Education with the Webinar ID and Password. The email will be sent before the symposium.