
Advocate for civil legal aid at Talk to the Hill on Jan. 27

Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021
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Join MBA leadership in advocating for increased funding for civil legal services and participate in the Equal Justice Coalition's #IWalkForJustice social media campaign. Bottom (from left): MBA Treasurer Damian J. Turco talks "because 16.4 million Americans go without attorneys each year in eviction, debt collection and family law cases #eliminateinjustice." MBA Secretary Victoria Santoro Mair talks "for all those who don't have a voice."

On Wednesday, Jan. 27, starting at 11 a.m., the Massachusetts Bar Association will co-sponsor the Talk to the Hill for Civil Legal Aid to advocate for increased funding for civil legal services throughout the commonwealth. Traditionally held as the Walk to the Hill, which draws hundreds of lawyers to the State House each year to request their legislators' support for funding for civil legal aid, this year’s program will be conducted as a virtual event due to the pandemic.

Civil legal aid is essential. It is more important than ever that the legal community works together to support legal aid and carry that message of support to their legislators.

You can help the MBA build enthusiasm for the event as we advocate for increased funding for civil legal services throughout the commonwealth by participating in the Equal Justice Coalition's #IWalkForJustice social media campaign. Follow these steps:

  1. Print out an “I Talk” placard from the Equal Justice Coalition’s Talk to the Hill website
  2. Write down why you will be participating in Talk to the Hill and/or care about civil legal aid
  3. Take your photo holding the sign with your message and share it on social media using the #IWalkForJustice hashtag
To register for the Talk to the Hill, sign up here.

Talk to the Hill is sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association, Equal Justice Coalition and Boston Bar Association.