Federal panel accepting U.S. District
Court applications
The bipartisan advisory committee, led by former U.S. District Court Judge Nancy Gertner, that will review and provide recommendations on federal District Court candidates across Massachusetts is currently seeking applications for federal District Court vacancies.
Interested candidates may access an application here. Questions may be directed to Judge Gertner at GertnerCommittee@gmail.com. Applications must be completed and received by Jan. 20.
Probate and Family Court updating forms to HTML5
The Probate and Family Court is working to convert its existing forms on Mass.gov to HTML5. HTML5 forms are more easily opened in any browser and mobile device and should eliminate the issues users have experienced in the past.
The HTML5 forms are savable and fillable with information typed into them. They include a space for an electronic signature and are updated to collect email addresses for parties. Once saved as a PDF, users will not be able to make changes to the form.
This will be an ongoing process, and the court has currently converted 15 of its forms on Mass.gov. The older PDF version of the form is still available for use under an "Alternative form" section of that form page on Mass.gov. This version of the form allows you to save a partially filled out form to finish later or for reuse.
To access the Probate and Family Court forms page, click here.
Clerk magistrate vacancy open for applications
The Judicial Nominating Commission is currently accepting applications for the following clerk magistrate vacancy:
Brockton Division
Kevin Creedon
(Jan. 8, 2021)The application deadline is Monday, Jan. 25, at noon.
Click here for application instructions.