
Featured CLE Webinar: Learn about the Trial Court's COVID-19 operations on Jan. 19

Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021

MassBarEducatesThe Massachusetts Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section Council is pleased to host Chief Justice of the Trial Court Paula Carey and Associate Court Administrator John Bello for a virtual discussion on the current state of the Trial Court's COVID-19 operations. This virtual meeting will include general information on topics, such as:

  • Court department standing orders
  • Reopening timeline and court practices
  • Environmental controls and entry screening at courthouses
  • Access to clerks’ and registers’ offices
  • Virtual and in-person hearings
  • Gradual resumption of jury trials
Please review the Trial Court's Response to COVID-19 webpage for additional resources and information.

The Current State of the Trial Courts During COVID-19 
Tuesday, Jan. 19, 5-6 p.m.
MBA Zoom Webinar
Click here to register.

This program is FREE for MBA members.

This session will be hosted using Zoom. Registration is required by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, to participate in this program. After you register with the MBA, please look for an email from MassBar Education with the Webinar ID and Password. The email will be sent before the program on Jan. 19.