
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, June 1, 2023


  • "Crash victim’s damages too speculative for federal jurisdiction," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 29). MBA Vice President Victoria M. Santoro commented on a U.S. District Court decision that an auto accident victim's claimed need for future neck surgery was too speculative to meet the $75,000 amount-in-controversy threshold for federal jurisdiction of her negligence case against a Florida construction firm.

  • "Defense lawyers laud new standard for challenging pedestrian stops," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 29). MBA Criminal Justice Section Council member Murat Erkan discussed a Supreme Judicial Court decision that creates a new standard for defendants to establish that a pedestrian stop was racially motivated.

  • "People in the Law: Professional groups," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 29). The "People in the Law" section included an announcement of the MBA's slate of officers for the 2023-24 association year: Damian J. Turco, president; Victoria “Tori” Santoro, president-elect; Michael H. Hayden, vice president; Samuel A. Segal, treasurer; and Shayla Mombeleur, secretary. MBA member Renee Inomata was also announced as chair of GBH’s Board of Advisors and as an ex officio trustee.
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