
Join us for Conflict Resolution Week, Oct. 17-21

Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022

CR WEEK-web_0922Join the Massachusetts Bar Association for Conflict Resolution Week (Oct. 17-21). 

Whether you are a member of the DR community, or a member of the public interested in conflict resolution in a complex world, there is something for everyone. RSVP for the following FREE events, presented by the MBA's Dispute Resolution (DR) Section:


Conflict Resolution Week
Calendar of Events

Beyond Intent: Understanding the Impact of Unconscious Bias in Dispute Resolution
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1-4:30 p.m.
MBA Zoom Webinar

The MBA's DR Section in collaboration with the Trial Court Standing Committee on Dispute Resolution, and the MBA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, kick off Conflict Resolution Week by presenting an interactive training program examining unconscious bias in dispute resolution.


Conflict Resolution Day Celebration
Creating Access & Opportunity in Dispute Resolution

Thursday, Oct. 20, 4:30-6 p.m.
MBA Zoom Webinar

FiskeJoin the MBA's DR Section and DEI Committee as we virtually celebrate Conflict Resolution Day. During this program, the MBA will honor the memory and legacy of Frank Sander, a luminary in the field of conflict resolution, by presenting its MBA Professor Frank E.A. Sander Award in Dispute Resolution to Attorney John A. Fiske (pictured right). Click here for more information on Fiske's career.

An expert panel moderated by Judge Julie Bernard will also discuss Creating Access & Opportunity in Dispute Resolution. The panel will be preceded by a short presentation on Conflict Resolution Day by the DR Section Council and the reading of a proclamation by Governor Charlie Baker.