
Join us for Conflict Resolution Week, Oct. 15-19

Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018

CRWEEKWEBJoin the Massachusetts Bar Association for Conflict Resolution Week as we celebrate the many benefits that dispute resolution (DR) processes bring to the legal community and the people of Massachusetts. 

The MBA’s Dispute Resolution Section is proud to present a series of free DR-related events during Conflict Resolution Week (Oct. 15-Oct. 19). Whether you are a member of the DR community or a member of the public interested in conflict resolution in a complex world, there is something for everyone. RSVP today.


Conflict Resolution Week Calendar of Events

Mediation on Trial: Putting Mediation and Conciliation on Trial 
Monday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m.-noon
Worcester County Law Library, 184 Main St., Worcester

Attend a mock hearing in which the process of mediation is the subject of the argument. Appearing before a judge, two attorneys will debate the benefits and flaws in mediation and conciliation. Panelists will act out the roles of the judge, attorneys, husband, wife, conciliator and mediator in a family law matter.


Worcester/Central Mass. Court-Connected Dispute Resolution Programs 
Monday, Oct. 15, 12:45-2 p.m.
Worcester County Law Library, 184 Main St., Worcester

Join us as we celebrate Conflict Resolution Week by presenting, honoring and acknowledging the work of the court-approved conciliation/mediation programs in the Worcester/Central Massachusetts area. 


Walking the Tightrope: Accountability and Reconciliation in the #MeToo Era
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
MBA, 20 West St., Boston

In the turbulent wake of #MeToo, how do we move from shaming to accountability and reconciliation? Have we slapped a one-size-fits-all label on rapists, gropers, would-be seducers, and office bullies? Panelists — lawyers, mediators, a university ombudsperson, and journalists — will discuss how communities of interest may begin to heal from the assault of bullying or a culture of sexual harassment. What is the road to reconciliation?


Conflict Resolution Day Reception
Thursday, Oct. 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Harvard Law School, Austin Hall, 1515 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge

During this reception, the MBA will honor the memory and legacy of Frank Sander, a luminary in the field of conflict resolution, by bestowing its inaugural MBA Professor Frank E.A. Sander Award in Dispute Resolution to David A. Hoffman, the founding member of Boston Law Collaborative LLC. Hoffman has dedicated decades to studying, advocating, practicing, educating, writing, articulating and evolving dispute resolution. A teacher and peacemaker, Hoffman models DR skills and behaviors for the improvement of the field and the benefit of humanity.

Special guest Robert Mnookin, a leading scholar in the field of conflict resolution, will provide an inside look at dispute resolution today, during a Q&A session. Mnookin is the Samuel Williston Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, the chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and the director of the Harvard Negotiation Research Project.

In addition, Gov. Charlie Baker’s proclamation recognizing Oct. 18 as Dispute Resolution Day in Massachusetts will be presented at the reception.