
Contact your state rep. to convey your support for MBA-backed amendments

Thursday, April 18, 2024
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The Massachusetts House of Representatives will begin debate on its FY25 budget next week. Among the pending budget amendments are several priorities of the Massachusetts Bar Association. Please contact your state representative to convey your support for the following budget amendments.
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation Amendment No. 375
Filed by Rep. Ruth Balser and Rep. Michael Day, this amendment would provide a $6 million increase in the line item for the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation in the budget from FY24 funding, an additional $2.5 million over what the House Ways and Means budget provided. For more information, click here
Assigned Private Counsel Compensation Amendment No. 1147
This amendment, filed by Rep. Christopher Markey, would increase compensation for assigned private counsel in indigent criminal cases, a priority of the MBA.
Access to Counsel Amendment No. 1479
The House budget includes a line item for an Access to Counsel Pilot Program. This amendment, filed by Rep. David Rogers, clarifies that the program must provide full representation statewide, not limited assistance, and an advisory committee will help the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation determine how to implement it. 
Supreme Judicial Court Amendment No. 1199
This amendment, filed by Rep. Christine Barber, would provide an additional $420,232 for the Supreme Judicial Court’s line item to fund the court at maintenance level. 
To contact your state representative, click here.